„Tebūnie Tava valia” – tai antrasis grupės Christ Team albumas. Just like the first one, it was produced in a professional recording studio in parts. The album contains hymns that were most relevant to our group at the time and made an impact on people during church services.
Šis albumas mums ypatingas tuo, jog kūrybinio proceso eigoje įvyko keletas naujų dalykų grupės istorijoje: nufilmavome pirmąjį video klipą, tūrėjome pirmąją profesionalią fotosesiją gamtoje, įrašėme kito lietuviško autoriaus giesmę, grupės pradininkė Živilė Didenko įrašė giesmę „Dievas gyvas„, naujausia grupės narė Ona Rušinskytė įrašė giesmę „Nauja giesmė„. Nauji tikslai atnešė nemažai naujų potyrių ir rezultatų, kurie skatina judėti toliau – nesustojant kurti ir šlovinti Viešpatį.
Many people contributed to the creation and release process of this album.
Norime padėkoti Artūrui Chalikovui už „Sustok dabar” ir „Viešpaties Dvasia" as well as his willingness to share his musical experience with the band members. Thanks to Laurynas Baškis (Lapės Records) for the professional work in the recording studio. Thanks to Jonas Talandzis, Povilas Eidukaitis and Giedrius Balčiūnas for mixing and mastering the songs. Thanks to "David's Heart" for filming the video clip. Thanks to Saule for the photo session. One of her photos became the cover of the album. Thanks to Liucija Eidukaitiene for the layout of the covers of the album songs.
We hope that this album will encourage you to draw closer to the Lord, praise Him and know His will for your life. Let Your will be done!