I was blessed to be born into a family of believers. I attended church and was taught about the Lord at an early age. Although God was a part of my whole life, I am convinced I became a serious follower of Christ at the age of thirteen when I received the gift of tongues. From then on, my faith and relationship with God became the center of my existence. I started serving on the worship team at the church. At first, I only assisted in worship but little by little with God’s encouragement I started leading songs. After we started the band "Testimony", I had to lead the worship alone, which was a huge challenge for me. But with God's help, I did not give up and moved on. Now, I am in Christ Team band and God's will continues to manifest in my life.
Recently, I started writing songs that I wish would bring glory to God and not myself. I long for my songs to touch people's hearts and change their lives (my first song "Inviting Your Holy Spirit" can be found in the hymnal). I am still young, but as it is said:
Do not say, 'I am a child,' but go to whom I send you, and speak what I command you. (Jeremiah 1:7)
Therefore, I desire to fulfill His will and stay on the path that the Lord has prepared for me.
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